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to become the next international songwriter!

POLYGLOT, the European Song Exchange Incubator aims to challenge the European music industry and break the hegemony of English songs on the market. We are now looking for songwriters whose songs could become international hits. If you are a songwriter, an EU citizen or from a Creative Europe country, have a potential non-English hit, and are curious to explore if your talent could find new audiences across European borders – apply!


How It WorksHow It Works

Step 1: Open Call

May 21, 2024 – July 31, 2024

We are looking for songs written in the official or minority languages of the seven participating countries (Catalonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine), that have a potential to make it in the European music market.

Step 2: Song Selection

August 1, 2024 – September 15, 2024

Our Curatorial Board (one representative from each Partner and one music professional outside the Project) goes through the received applications and selects 10 songs per country (70 songs total).

Then each Partner selects 30 songs that they think have potential in their markets.

Step 3: Rights Clearance, translation

We have to make sure that all parties (authors, copyright holders, new artists etc) involved are in complete agreement with the terms and conditions. Then we will translate the lyrics into the local languages.

Step 4: Production

Now the fun begins! Our Partners will start re-recording their 30 translated songs, with the help of local artists.  How exciting is this? Very.

Step 5: Sales

Now that the local hits are born, we have to make sure that they find their audience. We will team up with radio, tv channels, export offices, streaming services to reach as many people as we can!

Step 6: Live show

Once all 30 songs per country have been released, it’s up to the public to decide who’s the fairest of them all. The public vote will take place separately in the 7 countries, and the winning song – the best adaptation, if you may – will get an award, to perform their song with the original performer through a concert!


Please select which language you want to apply in


If you have any questions about POLYGLOT, check our FAQ page or contact us at info@polyglotmusic.eu