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Finisterre is an Italian organisation in charge of festivals, events, exhibitions, seminars, and internships and publishes world music records all over Italy and abroad, on the topics of field research and conservation and promotion of folkloric interest materials. 


Poland / Canada

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LyricFind is the leading source of online lyric licensing, distribution and monetization. Their lyric catalogue powers more than 150 platforms including Amazon, Google Search, Xperi, YouTube Music, TikTok Music, Pandora and Deezer to provide current, accurate, and fully licensed lyrics. LyricFind’s market-leading suite of products and services includes Lyric Display, Lyric Search, LyricAssist, Lyric Translations, LyricIQ, and Videos.
In 2022, LyricFind launched the LyricFind Foundation, a non-profit organization that works on cross-cultural and social equity issues, including revitalizing Indigenous languages and connecting diasporic artists with wider audiences through song lyrics and lyric translations. LyricFind is currently a leading partner in the European Union-funded BELEM (Boosting European Lyrics and their Entrepreneurial Monetization) project.

Music Export Latvia


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The initiative of Music Export Latvia was a result of the necessity to create an institution that would provide help to Latvian music export was evident after processing the reports from consumers of phonograms and distributing the remuneration. Latvian Music Development Association / Latvian Music Export Office was founded in 2012 and since then has been expending both in local and international level.

Music Export Poland


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Music Export Poland Foundation was created out of the need to expand the export of Polish music and promote it on foreign markets. The basic motivation to establish the Foundation was the conviction that, although Polish artists and creators have been present on foreign markets for years, creating the right conditions and providing them with the necessary competence will allow them to make even better use of their potential, and will give those who are just beginning their adventure with export a solid foundation.

The activities of Music Export Poland focus on theoretical preparation and education of the Polish music market players (through workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, trainings, but also individual consultations), creating opportunities for them to emerge on foreign markets – either directly (trade missions) or thanks to cooperation with foreign artists (songwriting camps). Thanks to an extensive network of contacts abroad, MExP is a platform for Polish creators, artists and professionals to start or develop their career abroad.

Music Export Ukraine


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Music Export Ukraine (MEU) — це незалежна ініціатива, яка допомагає українським молодим артистам налагоджувати зв’язки, просувати свою музику та розвивати кар’єру на міжнародному рівні. Її основна діяльність включає підтримку музикантів, міжсекторальне співробітництво, міжнародні програми обміну та освітні заходи з акцентом на експорт. Організація є партнером проєктів British Council Ukraine Selector Pro і партнером Українського Інституту на міжнародних музичних заходах (2019-дотепер). Music Export Ukraine також входить до складу асоціації European Music Exporters Exchange.

Music Hungary Kft.


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Music Hungary is the most hands-on workshop within the Hangveto group, where we work closely with artists and creators. Music Hungary’s mission has always been to preserve and pass on knowledge and our beautiful musical heritage, which we have done through music publishing, film production and international collaborations.

With POLYGLOT, Music Hungary ventures to a new field: that of international music distribution. The project, co-funded by Creative Europe, sets up a new European song exchange model, amplifying cultural and linguistic diversity through a shared song database and a strong professional network across the continent. 

SCL Agency (Saraiva Canejo Leitão Unipessoal Lda.)


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SCL is a Lisbon-based label and publishing group that runs Lusitanian Music Publishing and the labels Mais 5, European Phonographic, Lusitanian, TMCM and Shame Destroyer. SCL is a member of IMPF – Independent Music Publishers Forum and SCL’s Nuno Saraiva is also a Board Member of IMPALA. SCL runs the Innovation Lab project Musika Peripherika, and has been involved in several projects related to folk music traditions, such as European Ghosts, working with NORD University in Norway and other partners across Europe.  


Spain / Catalonia

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Unison is the model of collective management organisation for the digital era. We created Unison to give right holders the fair share of their copyright royalties, putting technology at the service of an efficient and transparent collective management.